
Have a technical problem? Please fill out this form, and we will respond at the first opportunity to resolve your issue.

Technical Support

Describe any issues or problems you’re experiencing in detail, including any error numbers or alarm codes.

Before You Call

Thank you for choosing Electro-Mechanical Integrators, Inc. for your plasma system parts and support services. We are committed to top-level customer service and will make every effort to keep your machine running like NEW.

While we strive to provide quality person-to-person support, we sometimes experience high call volume, which can make it difficult to help each customer in as timely a fashion as we would prefer.

Please use the diagram below to identify the make/model of your machine before calling EMI for support. We can expedite your request more efficiently if we know exactly what machine we are troubleshooting.

How do I identify the make/model of my machine?

Please reference your machine serial number and identification plate to determine what type of EMI plasma cutting system you are having issues with. The model number will be on the plate as shown in the picture to below. 

EMI machine side view, includes specifications
machine specification details

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